Thursday, July 28, 2011

Super 8 In Action!

Day One: Brainstorming on Site & Shed

This is Sam

YAY for site 3!

Concept Sketches

Day Two: Laying out spatial arrangement

The Family


what is a transplant?

trans plant?

life mechanism, rejection, sustenance

Team 2 - The MAD Collective

Day 02 progress update for our avid followers…

Well rested (!), Day 02 started at 8am on site… here’s a quick summary of how our concept is becoming an ‘augmented’ reality.

We started the day by marking out, in real space, the parameters of our design – physically orientating and positioning our design, to truly understand the movement corridor we were trying to create and the vistas we want to emphasise and align within our urban intervention. By developing our conceptual design in ‘real space’, and as a team, this exercise bought swift unity and confirmation of: module sizes, angular forms, path widths, view corridors, massing, scale and overall site coverage.

Ben, Taylor and Raelea measuring a pedestrian corridor...tight squeeze
The MAD Collective aligning our views...
Nita, Raelea and Ben doing some height calculations...
Chalking up our site layout...
The final design...

It’s worth reinforcing that the time we have spent working and developing our ideas on site, have afforded us numerous interactions with the public, and today was no exception, as we met another local resident, Sally, who was encouraging in her understanding and interpretation of our concept.

Following refuelling in Shed 4… the afternoon brought a 3d graphical realisation to our design, whilst the finance team started to budget materials and understand the cost implications of our idea… safe to say, we were well over our $2500 budget! As Day 02 has progressed, the design has become increasingly focussed and refined in response to: budget and cost margins; narrow time frame for construction; and the structural limitations of the site.

We’re now under construction… more to follow soon!

~ MAD Collective out ~

Urban Realities - Site 2 - Urban Filler - Team 7 Blanket Solution - blanket conversations (urban encounters)

Blanket converations - Thursday

Site Moments...

A video from our resident artist...

Team 4 Transformation and reassemblage of the old

An odd assortment of old equipment and props was purchased today. Some cleaning and loving application of paint in tones of pink and black has transformed these items in preparation for their incorporation into various "treatments". The pink suggests the inside of a body, referring back to the concept of organs and internal spaces. There will be an outer "skin" wrapping around the structure, made of long quivering blades, again painted black and pink.

Team 4 What is happening around our site

We are slowly collecting observations of the activities surrounding our site - a pedestrian/cycle path and the road lie on the eastern border. We took some photos and short video footage from various viewpoints. Some interesting company has arrived in the form of a pop-up mobile van serving Japanese food - looks cool and is already drawing a crowd!

Looking east from behind our site, a long carpark:

Looking west towards the end of the pier, another carpark:
The establishments behind our site westward, the Woolshed Pub and Va Bene Pizzeria serving food/drink, a hospitality group, a photographic agency:
Channel 7 across the road:

Video footage of footpath traffic (1 minute) at 5.35pm:

The latest news is that an AFL match is on at the stadium across the road this Friday night, 7.30pm. A large crowd is expected to gather at the Woolshed Pub.

Urban Realities - Site 2 - Urban Filler - Team 7 Blanket Solution - Day Four

This is our new name.

Team Blanket Solution

As you might have heard, we have a blanket solution.... but it's not just any blanket solution.

This was the process that we used today.

This is the flyer for the event we held today.

This is how we set-up our site today.

This is a blanket conversation. We met Sebastian from Nab.

This is another blanket conversation. This is Martin.

This is another blanket conversation. We had this conversation in Chinese with Mr Ma.

This is one of our team blanket conversations.

This is a blanket.

This is Michael from our team testing a blanket.

*We had many more blanket conversations and material explorations/prototyping, we will be putting up videos on our youtube shortly!

Follow us at @URTeam7 for live updates!

Team 9 Day 2 - Take a deep breath...

Now exhale…
Why don’t you sit down and take a look at that view!?

That’s right, busy office worker, just relax.

Can’t you hear the wind on the water, the rustle of the leaves, the flapping sails?

The wind doesn’t like your daily routine, your boring schedule, your busy life, that’s why she rips straight through your belly. We can hear what she’s saying…Come out of that stuffy air conditioned office and consider yourselves lucky, how good is it to have the sea breeze filling up your lungs!

What are we beginning to understand about our site?

- The wind!!!!!! The weather conditions are extreme! Even our glass door separating us from the rest of the world can’t control the wind. How do we address and interact with this?

What do we know about the world?

- how good relaxation is for health

- the need for a healthier way of life within the city

There are more than a few things we want to achieve...

- connecting the daily grind of the city, to the seaside

- providing alternative experiences to the normal working day and the coldness of city life. Yeah we know you are at work, but why cant you sit back and enjoy it?

- Chance meetings and playful interactions

- Highlighting colour and joy of natural elements.

- Vertical interactions, stitching the surrounding buildings to the public environment, the human scale, through the thread of human interaction

- Escaping confines for the fresh air outside, taking a moment to breathe within our site.

- Harness the framed site views, taking a moment to stop and enjoy what’s in front and above you

- Discovering senses through natural elements

We are investigating the idea of breath and breathing. Not only for our site but for the Docklands precinct as a whole. We want to breathe life into Docklands and use our site as a vehicle to demonstrate this. This idea of breath sits well within our site. A thoroughfare between office buildings its extremely windy, air passing through. We want to drag people between Bourke St and the Harbour Esplanade through our site. A transitory space, drawing people in, a breath.

We think our message is particularly relevant to the smoking bankers we’ve met so far…

So, why don’t you just lie down, look up and around, and breathe!

Day TWO!!

After a long hard day at the office it is now 5:03, and we are taking a moment out to reflect on the day…

Today we made a few steps forward… The arrival of one of our key building materials; cardboard formwork for concrete columns. This will act as the base of our structural work. We chose the cardboard as a material as we needed something that conversed with the pre-existing conditions on site. From our sites front door, the main view is of the d

iscarded pier pylons that have been decorated, as part of an art installation, with white hats. We thought, as these were unique to our site that we would like our work to reference them, almost as if they had started to creep up onto the boardwalk and arrived on our site…

After the excitement of the delivery it was all hands on deck as we began to measure and cut our columns down to size. With the generator as our sound track the site was a-buzz!

Our aim for tonight is to have all of our columns cut down to size and have their positions on site finalised! It will, no doubt, be a late one. But, we will just increase layers and huddle together when it gets cold! We will report in when we are too tired to move…

Moving, Thinking, Flowing...

37° 49' 7.85", +144° 56' 47.12"

Urban Relalities. Landscape Urbanism 3 Day Design Challenge.

Day 2. 8.00am - 5.30

Today we started to mark out our space.




SuperFluxing- construction has started!

And here is a highlight from Day 1: Timelapse SuperFlux6 explore our space.