Thursday, July 7, 2011


We are a group called OUTR (Office of Urban Transformations Research), as a not-for-profit group we exist within the School of Architecture and Design at RMIT University, Melbourne.

OUTR is a network of Designers from Melbourne that utilise research as a primary focus for design practice.
We see design practice as an agent of cultural, environmental and political change within an increasingly complex world.

As a group we thought it was important to construct an event in Melbourne, Australia to frame the design of public space within the discourse of landscape urbanism. This positioning allows us to consider public space, and the city, as a fluctuating condition influenced by the complexities that make up the world around us. We aim to empower the collective to change the way we design and construct the public realm. This event endeavours to influence how the city, state and national decision makers approach the future of our urban environment.