Wednesday, July 27, 2011

And so it begins...

It has officially begun…

After the initial excitement of finally getting together as a group, and the decision to name ourselves Super 8 (other close contenders were The Mighty Docks, the GO! team, and

The Transformers), we were given our brief! And this is what it read…

Site. 3: Movement or Transfer of something to another situation, with effort.

Consider the site as a body that is lacking a vital organ. Your ch

allenge is to transfer an activity within the site to improve its daily function. You are required to use objects that have a reconceived function to generate a

playful spatial outcome. You must consider the dynamic of time e.g. night, day, site

condition, seasons, etc.

Our site runs along a boardwalk in front of high-rise commercial buildings. It is a grassy patch at the end of a long grass garden bed. Our site is opposite and existing art installation comprised of remnants of dock pylons, condensed into a cluster, wearing white hats. This site-specific work ignited our interest and from then on sparks were flying!

Many ideas were flowing! Ideas about, interaction, relation, excitement, interest, engagement, play, distraction and many more were all starting to grow inside us… From here we decided we also wanted to create something that would be experienced on many sensory levels, in order for it to be able

to be experienced on many levels and also in be able to be viewed across varying scales; near, far, under, over.

At this early stage, we are not wanting to commit to anything to early… And so the adventure begins…

Peace out.t

1 comment:

  1. We are:
    Susan Massey, Architect, Lecturer RMIT
    Marieluise Jonas, Landscape Architect, Lecturer RMIT
    Michael Barnett, Landscape Architect, Sydney
    Sam Cooper, Mechanic and Architecture Student Uni SA, Adelaide
    Lara Santos, Ash Mackey, Mareike Dulac, Eatson Chen Yizheng - RMIT Architecture Students
    Matt Azzalin, Architect, Perth
    Dong-uk Lee, Artist, Seoul Korea
