Thursday, July 28, 2011

An update and summary

Our team are now finalising the design ready for proposal. We want to create something interactive and organic, grafting the space like skin, with a tactile character - maybe even a "Please Take One".

There are a lot of ideas and the challenge has been to move from enjoying the conceptual process to the nitty-gritty - how do we make something that resembles our discussion in a short period with limited budget? This morning we gave ourselves some time limits for discussion and decisions and it's worked.

We've settled on a structure - an enclosure for people to move through - with elements for play and contemplation. We want to strongly incorporate found objects and utilise the relationships we've formed with folk who are working around our site - they've been very kind!

The plan of attack: We are now working in 3 separate groups to focus brains and harness the conversations towards an outcome.
Team Tom & Angus & Xavier - Structure construction. This team is now working on the inner skeleton of our project that will hold up the rest of the concept. By 12 we want the engineering and scale drawing for our proposal finalised.
Team Liz & Lou & Kirsty - The outer covering. Team 3 have gone back to the site to assess the found materials we have access to and work out the practicalities of pulling them together.
Team Flynn & Briony & Cliff - The inside experience. This team are talking about the tactile experience we want to create inside our structure, how to affix things - and the budget.

The shape is still taking form but by midday we hope we'll have a proposal for sign off, ready to start shopping and prep this afternoon.

My job - once I've posted this - is to rough out the budget and workplan. Then this afternoon hopefully some fun making play time!

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