Monday, July 25, 2011

Team 4 Warming up

Before the whole team met in person for the first time in Melbourne, we circulated responses to 3 questions:
1. One thing the project does
2. One urban condition that the project addresses
3. One song that describes (in part) our civic intention

It stakes a claim.
The commercialisation of public space (i.e. there is something about our project that cannot be sold (or bought).
In the Court of the Crimson King; King Crimson

The project takes/shifts focus from the mid level to the upper, lower and
 other reaches of environment.

Addressing the paradoxical conflict of "not enough people/still that is
 too many people" in the urban centre; that "wolves will tear us
"new york I love you (but you're bringing me down)" by lcd sound system...
Nice universal post-naughties angst with love about a city that's going 

The project simply "delights".

Addresses the urban condition of "dead space".
Song: Take Me To Broadway by Gonzales (
check the kooky video

The project is a drawcard. It serves the student/hipster/trendies by providing a limited and highly desired resource at a cheaper price / be the only place in the city where you can get them. I'm thinking theatre tickets.

It addresses the fact that any installation needs an awesome, receptive audience. Bring the kids in, and they will play.

The song. Well, 'Cabaret' from the movie of the same name comes to mind.

The project serves [as] a pyschogeographic "drift" into an unplanned journey/experience where the architecture provides a bridge to authenticity lacking in.
An urban condition devoid of humanity and human scale.
The Specials, Ghost Town... for obvious reasons.

The project is plural - it can be approached from different ways, senses, speeds and emotions.
The project addresses the issue of scale within a developing urban park - there is something 'hollow' about Docklands and scale is a key issue.
The song is Four Ton Mantis - Amon Tobin. Feels like walking through docklands but then something happens and we are moved.

The project provokes.
The project addresses the lack of complexity of, and sophistication within, the urban realm of Docklands.
The song is Battles' "Tonto", which is wordless, rhythmically complex, musically incredible, and has a cracker video with light installation by light artists UVA from the UK.

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